We understand choosing the right school for your family is exciting and significant. Please be sure to review the entire admissions page from top to bottom as you consider Flatirons Academy.



Please review our admissions dates to set a timeline for your family. Then, follow the steps below to complete our application process.



Watch our tour! The tour is required viewing for all prospective families. Please watch it all the way through for the most comprehensive look at kindergarten - 12th grade academics, athletics and arts.



Read about the distinctives of the school to get a better sense of what makes Flatirons Academy unique.



Review the tuition and tuition aid options. Please note that most tuition aid is allocated during the winter admissions cycle prior to the end of the calendar year.



If you still have questions before applying, click the button to fill out an inquiry.



Complete an application to begin the admissions process. Please note, due to a limited number of available seats, a limited number of interviews will be offered following the completion of application and testing. Application does not ensure enrollment. Thank you for your interest in Flatirons Academy!


Nondiscriminatory Policy

Flatirons Academy admits students of any sex, race, color, and national or ethnic origin, and affords them all the rights, privileges, programs and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school. Flatirons Academy does not discriminate on the basis of sex, race, color, or national or ethnic origin in the administration of its educational programs, admissions policies, scholarship policies, employment practices or other school-administered programs.